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Memorial for Dr Susan Abarca Salazar
A memorial and a mass is being held on Tuesday 12 September for Dr Susan Abarca Salazar.
Screening can detect aggressive ovarian cancer earlier
New analysis of the UKCTOCS trial provides evidence that high-grade serous ovarian cancer can be detected earlier through screening.
MRI scans improve prostate cancer detection in screening study
Screening for prostate cancer with MRI scans alongside a PSA blood test can detect cancers that would be missed by PSA testing alone.
New podcast episodes on the STAMPEDE prostate cancer trial
A Trial Talk mini-series will explore the trial’s journey from its inception in the early 2000s to the end of patient recruitment in March 2023.
New scientific collaboration aims to reduce sepsis deaths in African newborns
SNIP-AFRICA, a new European-African collaboration to improve the way infections in newborn babies are treated, has launched.