CTU website launches new methodology section

18 Jun 2014

The MRC CTU's website has launched its new methodology section to showcase the breadth of the Unit's work in this area. There are three broad themes: applied statistical methodology, trial conduct methodology and meta-analysis methodology.

Our clinical trials and meta-analyses aim to identify the best treatments or interventions. Our observational studies help us understand patterns of disease and the effects of treatments on a larger scale and over longer time periods. However, trials have become more complex and take a long time to run, and there is little evidence to support some of the approaches used in the day-to-day conduct of trials. Also, the analytical methods currently available do not always allow us to make the best or most reliable use of the data from our clinical studies.

Therefore, the aim of our methodological research is to investigate how best to carry out clinical studies, by improving their design, conduct and analysis, and in doing so help to produce more reliable results with the ultimate aim of improving patients' outcomes.

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