Join our RADICALS and ARTISTIC Twitter Q&A

21 Nov 2019

On Thursday 28 November 2019, we'll be running a Twitter Q&A session about the RADICALS trial and the ARTISTIC meta-analysis - with the hashtag #ProstateRadiotherapy.

The purpose of the Twitter Q&A is to raise awareness of prostate cancer research.

Prostate cancer accounts for around one fifth of all male cancers. In the UK there are around 47,000 new cases each year and around 10,800 deaths.

The RADICALS-RT trial looked at 1396 men with prostate cancer after they had surgery to remove the cancer. They were randomly allocated to receive either radiotherapy immediately after surgery, or observation only. For those patients that were under observation (the standard care group), they received radiotherapy if their prostate cancer returned.

RADICALS-RT found that after five years, 15 out of 100 men in the radiotherapy group and 12 out of 100 men in the standard care group had prostate cancer that had gotten worse. These results were compatible with chance, strengthening the case for observation after surgery, and meaning that radiotherapy would only be needed if the cancer came back.

The ARTISTIC meta-analysis looked at three randomised trials – including RADICALS-RT - that compared immediate radiotherapy with radiotherapy only if the prostate cancer returned. ARTISTIC confirmed the results of the RADICALS-RT trial.

There were 2151 men included across the three trials (RADICALS, GETUG-AFU 17 and RAVES). 1074 men were randomly allocated to receive immediate radiotherapy and 1077 were randomly allocated to observation (with radiotherapy later if needed). The analysis found no evidence that men who received immediate radiotherapy lived longer without complications or their prostate cancer returning.


We've got a panel of experts ready and waiting to answer your questions.

Our panel:

Chris Parker, Clinical Oncologist, Royal Marsden Hospital

Chris Parker is an oncologist specialising in prostate cancer at the Royal Marsden hospital. He has led prostate cancer trials testing the use of active surveillance for localised disease, post-operative radiotherapy for locally advanced disease and of radium-223 for bone metastases. He is keen to see patient care informed by good quality evidence from clinical trials.

Matt Sydes, Professor of Clinical Trials & Methodology, MRC CTU at UCL

Matt Sydes is Professor of Clinical Trials & Methodology at MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL. He has been involved in the design, conduct and analysis of the RADICALS trial from the start of discussions.

Claire Vale, Research fellow and systematic reviewer, MRC CTU at UCL

Claire Vale is a research fellow and systematic reviewer at MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL. She is the lead author of the ARTISTIC study, and has been involved in its design, conduct and analysis.

Prostate Cancer UK

To be confirmed

How to get involved!

Our panellists will be ready to answer questions from 12.45 pm until 1.30pm on Thursday 28 November (GMT).

You can tweet within this 45 minute slot, or tweet your question before the session begins if you prefer.  If you would like to participate but are not on Twitter, you can also email us your questions in advance.

To ask a question, just tweet using the hashtag #ProstateRadiotherapy. One of our panel will then reply to you from the @MRCCTU account.

As we have more than one panel member for our Q&A, the person who is answering your question will put their initials at the start of their tweet, so you know who is talking.

As well as answering your questions, we're also very interested to hear what you think - so if you want to contribute, tweet using the #ProstateRadiotherapy hashtag.

We will post a summary of the Q&A session on our website after the event, so even if you are not a Twitter user you can still see what was said.

Further information:

@MRCCTU Twitter page